Electric Vehicle Charging Regulation Changes

Following the recent news, from Wednesday, June 15, most new homes and buildings in England will be required to install electric vehicle charging points.  Any properties undergoing major renovations with associated parking must have access to electric vehicle charge points, in a change to building regulations.
Electric vehicles have been on the radar for a number of years, but they are here now and very much part of the future.  With electric vehicles set to replace petrol and diesel vehicles, the updated building regulations need to facilitate the infrastructure required for charging vehicles at home as well as at work.  The government says that this will lead to 145,000 extra charge points being fitted across England every year and hopes the new laws will ‘make it as easy as refuelling a petrol or diesel car today’.
We anticipate this to be well received by buyers with most planning for the future. As we act for a number of high-quality developers, we see many of our new build properties being sold with electric charging points prior to the updated building regulations.  They have been planning for the future with a lot including the likes of ground/air sourced heat pumps, extra insulation and solar panels, to make a “Green Home” as such.  Buyers have been receptive to this in recent times with these being quite high on a buyer’s criteria of a new build home.
If you have any questions relating to this please give any member of our team a call to discuss.

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