Get ready to market!

So many people are at home at the minute and wondering how they can get ready to sell their home.  Here is our advice:-

  • Pick up the phone

Talk to us, tell us all about your property, you can even show us by video.  We want to see the best and the worst parts of your property so that we can really advise you on how to make the most of your home ready for when it comes to market

  • Take a note pad and pen

Have a walk around your property with a critical eye and make a list of the jobs, that you have been meaning to do, big and small, we all have them!

  • I have my list of jobs

Where do I start?  Start with the jobs that affect curb appeal. Then take a look at the jobs that affect the first impression the most… The glaringly obvious.. weeding the driveway, power hosing the flags, painting the front door, polishing the door handle, replacing external lighting, trimming back shrubs…start there.  If you can’t do them, get a contractor lined up and ready for when they are safe and able to do them.  There are lots of local suppliers open, including C & C Supplies in Garstang who do a collection and delivery service! So it should be easy!

  • Gardens

While the weather is nice, it’s good to get into the garden.  For those who aren’t too green fingered, weeding and edging the lawn can go a long way to improving the overall look of your garden space.

  • Ready for a day inside?

Most of our clients ask us how they should present their property internally.  On the basis that we aren’t yet at the photographing stage, our best advice would be to declutter, clear the decks, and do those little things, for example, touching up paint work and grouting, ready for when the time comes.

  • So what will I need for photographs when the time comes?

It is worth planning ahead, think about laying the table, where might you put some fresh flowers?  Are hanging baskets and gardens ready – a stripy lawn looks great if you can! Get ready to lay the garden furniture out.  All things ready to present the lifestyle that your lovely home can give.

  • As soon as we can, we will

As soon as we are able to get on with marketing your property we will. Be at the top of the list.. Start to talking to us now, we can’t wait to help you sell your home.  We can send out any necessary paperwork and get you up and running ready to go when the time comes, making turnaround to market faster.

Authored by

Hannah Towers

North Lancashire

07912 513478

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