Presentation, Presentation, Presentation

Armitstead Barnett are geared up to making sure that your house is superbly displayed. We currently sit at the top of the Righmove “click through rate” tables in the areas of both branches. What does this mean I hear you ask?

It means that for all the searches carried out on Rightmove, a greater percentage of potential buyers are progressing to look in to the detailed view or “clicking through on our properties than any other agent. This is a result of getting the marketing and presentation right.

The internet is a very visual tool that’s why we believe that having excellent professional photographs, high quality floor plans and some snappy text is essential – this is part of our specialism.

Get this right and the buyers will inevitably take a closer look at your home, which in turn should lead to more interest, viewings and then the all-important offers. We have recently invested in going that one step further by setting up videoettes for our new stock.

click on the links below

Woodlands, 18 Ainspool Lane, Churchtown, Preston
Woodlands, 18 Ainspool Lane, Churchtown, Preston

Woodlands Videoette

Primrose Cottage, North Road, Bretherton, PR26 9AX
Primrose Cottage, North Road, Bretherton, PR26 9AX

Primrose Cottage Videoette

Both the North and South Lancashire Offices currently sit at the top in their areas, this consistent high performance proves that we are a cut above our competitors.
If you are looking to find the agent that can go the extra mile to make the most of your main asset then look no further, give us a call. Our friendly professional and dedicated team would be delighted to arrange an appointment with one of our experienced RICS Valuers who will propose a marketing strategy and guide you on your home’s presentation.

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What is a Market Appraisal and Why You Should Have One?

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