The importance of qualifying a buyer this Autumn 

We have some super properties heading to market this Autumn, from cottages, to houses both new and those with character, land and small holdings which will be welcomed by so many buyers.  We continue to regularly hear “there is nothing on the market,” however we are starting to see the market steady since the crazy post covid pace to reveal a market that is still good.  The wider economic backdrop is having a steadying effect but not to the detriment of marketing in many cases, it is just taking a little longer to secure a sale.  There are some benefits; buyers and sellers are having more time to think, to assess and to take stock, allowing them to move forward with a more confident decision.
It is important to us to find buyers who are able to perform.  We have seen this to be a critical part of the process of agreeing a sale while competition has been high to make sure we found the right buyer for our vendor; this continues now especially as lending criteria and interest rates alter.  All our buyers are asked to supply identification and evidence of funding which we look at carefully and report to our client – this often forms part of the vendors decision making process.
Further, our sales are agreed alongside all the “need to knows”, as far as AB or the vendor are aware, and are disclosed using a property information questionnaire so that buyers are offering in an informed position as far as possible, helping to prevent transactions falling through and unnecessary additional legal costs.
Many of our properties are relatively straight forward residential sales, whilst some come with more complex chains and personalities.  One of the most important aspects of our work is ensuring that sales progress; sometimes these are smooth sometimes less so.  We try to take the strain for our clients.  We also handle a large number of properties compared to your high street agent that have quirks, for example, noncompliant septic tanks, clawbacks, structural issues, planning issues, pipelines, cables, option agreements, lotting, compulsory purchase, flooding … the list goes on; we like the challenge!  Sales can be done by Auction, Tender or Private Treaty
Autumn is a great time to market your home, there is still the potential to move before Christmas or early in the New a year.  We are also pleased to engage with vendors early, so if you are looking to sell next year, we will be please to take a look now in readiness for 2023! 

Authored by

Hannah Towers

North Lancashire

07912 513478

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