The Power of Social Media to Market Your Home -Fast Track Selling your home with Social Media

Without the right tools and strategies, finding a suitable buyer for your home could take some time.  But with the correct marketing strategies and the use of social media you could fast track the sale of your home.

Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, just to name a few social platforms, are full of potential buyers and if you are not using social media to market your home, you are missing a trick!

Read on to find out why social media is so powerful compared to traditional ways of marketing.

Overcoming distance.  Unlike traditional marketing methods such as newspapers and magazines, social media platforms can reach a far wider audience beyond your local area by utilising the use of hashtags, geographical tags, sharing and paid adverts.

A picture speaks a thousand words.  Showing off your property’s visual appeal to capture peoples’ attention, make them want to stick around, find out more and ultimately turn them into potential buyers.  This is why it is so important to get high quality images and videos to show off your property’s best features and uniqueness.

A large following.  AB’s Instagram and Facebook combined have over 11,000 followers, that is potentially 11,000 people who will see your property instantly.  Along with family, friends sharing your property can be seen far and wide!

Coming soon.  Gaining interest before going on the market by using “sneak peeks” builds suspense and excitement for buyers.  We can gain a list of potential purchasers who want to receive the details of a property before its even on the market.  We have sold properties to buyers who enquired following a “sneak peek” post – a great example of fast tracking a sale! 

Engagement.  Unlike traditional media, such as newspapers, social media allows buyers to interact by commenting and sharing – creating a buzz and showing off your property!  The more engagement the more your home is seen.

Targeting an audience.  Social media provides us with the tools to target a particular audience for a particular property using targeted campaigns.
Social media can generate a different approach to marketing, one which we have seen to be highly effective!

Rachael Wood 
Property Advisor – Armitstead Barnett LLP
Cumbria: 01539 751993 

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